Cambridge Tech Companies Can Boost Productivity with Cleartide's Advanced Water Dispensers

The hub of innovation

Cambridge, Massachusetts, is a hub of innovation, home to some of the world’s most cutting-edge tech companies. In this competitive landscape, every edge counts. While companies often focus on the latest software or gadgets to boost productivity, there’s a simple yet powerful tool they might be overlooking: advanced hydration solutions. Enter Cleartide’s state-of-the-art water dispensers, which are revolutionizing workplace hydration and potentially unlocking new levels of productivity.

The Link Between Hydration and Productivity

The Link Between Hydration and ProductivityIt’s not just anecdotal – science backs up the importance of proper hydration for cognitive performance. A study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that even mild dehydration can impair cognitive performance, particularly in tasks requiring attention, executive functions, and coordination. Another research paper in the British Journal of Nutrition reported that proper hydration could improve visual attention and mood, key factors in workplace productivity.

Dehydration, on the other hand, can lead to fatigue, headaches, and difficulty concentrating – all enemies of a productive workday. In the fast-paced tech world, where every minute counts, ensuring easy access to clean, refreshing water is more than a perk – it’s a strategic advantage.

Cleartide’s Advanced Water Dispensers

Cleartide’s systems go beyond traditional water coolers. They offer multi-stage filtration, including reverse osmosis and UV sterilization, ensuring water purity that surpasses many bottled water brands. The systems provide options for chilled, hot, and even sparkling water, catering to diverse preferences in the workplace.

For tech companies, the smart features of Cleartide systems are particularly appealing. With IoT connectivity, these dispensers can provide usage data and maintenance alerts, fitting seamlessly into the tech-savvy culture of Cambridge’s innovative firms.

Cleartide’s Advanced Water Dispensers

Benefits for Cambridge Tech Companies

By implementing Cleartide systems, tech companies can see multiple benefits:

  • Improved employee health: With superior filtration, employees have access to cleaner, safer water throughout the workday. 
  • Sustainability: Eliminating the need for plastic bottles aligns with many companies’ environmental goals. 
  • Cost savings: Over time, bottleless systems can significantly reduce water-related expenses compared to bottled water services.

Scientific Studies on Hydration and Work

Scientific Studies on Hydration and WorkRecent studies have shed light on the critical role of hydration in workplace performance. A 2018 study in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that mild dehydration (just 1-2% below optimal hydration levels) can impair cognitive performance, particularly in tasks requiring attention, working memory, and psychomotor skills.

Furthermore, research published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in 2020 examined the effects of increased water intake on cognitive performance and mood. The study found that participants who increased their water intake showed improvements in mood states, including reduced confusion, fatigue, and sleepiness, as well as increased vigor.

These findings underscore the potential impact that easily accessible, high-quality hydration solutions like Cleartide can have on the overall productivity and wellbeing of employees in Cambridge’s tech sector.

Implementation and Integration

Cleartide offers flexible solutions that can be tailored to various office layouts and company sizes. From compact countertop models ideal for small startups to high-capacity systems for larger tech campuses, there’s a Cleartide solution for every workspace. The systems are designed for easy installation and maintenance, minimizing disruption to the fast-paced tech work environment. With options for both plumbed-in and bottleless cooler systems, Cleartide can adapt to the specific needs and infrastructure of different office spaces.


In the competitive world of Cambridge tech, companies are always looking for ways to boost productivity and attract top talent. By investing in advanced hydration solutions like Cleartide’s water dispensers, these firms can create a healthier, more sustainable work environment that may lead to improved cognitive function and productivity.

The science is clear: proper hydration is crucial for optimal brain function and mood. With Cleartide, Cambridge tech companies can ensure their teams have constant access to clean, great-tasting water, potentially unlocking new levels of innovation and productivity.

As the tech landscape continues to evolve, so too should the workplace amenities that support it. It’s time for Cambridge’s innovative companies to consider how advanced hydration solutions like Cleartide can contribute to their success. After all, in the world of tech, every drop of productivity counts.

Boston Businesses Ditch Plastic Bottles: How Cleartide is Revolutionizing Workplace Hydration